II Jornades Cartografies Col·laboratives
19th October 2019. Centre Cultural Albareda. Barcelona.

Collaborative Mapping:

Maps for/by citizenship

Carlos Cámara Menoyo

‘Mapeado Colaborativo’
carloscamara.es | @carlescamara

Carlos Cámara Menoyo

Mapeado Colaborativo’s cofounder. Researching about commodifications between city, technology and society.

So far, I have focused on the topic of social and spatial inequities to find ways in which cities can be more sustainable and egalitarian, hence improving people’s well-being.

https://carloscamara.es | @carlescamara

All the coordinators (left to right): Joan Cano, Miguel Sevilla, Héctor Ochoa, Carlos & Alejandro Súarez.

About “Mapeado Colaborativo”

Aimed to promote (collaborative) cartographies and empower citizenship to create their own cartographies, through action-research projects.

One of our fortnightly sessions at ZAC Las Armas.

What do we do?

Miguel Sevilla at Eurocities.


Led by us

OpenStreetMap Handbook

Introductory collaborative handbook to OSM (still ongoing). Part of our process of documenting what we do.

Visit online


Dynamic Map of bicycles' infrastructure in Zaragoza:

  • Bicycle lanes and ciclable ways: type, paving, smoothness…
  • Public bicycle rental stations (BiZi): name, address, picture, number of free spaces
  • Bicycle rack
  • Bicycle shops
Interactive map view original map

Humanitarian Mapathon

There are still places in the world that have not yet been mapped. Normally that’s not all they’re missing.

We collaborate with MSF to map the areas where they are working in order to make their job easier.

About ‘Accessible Zaragoza’

A barriers' map for a city without them

(Part 1)

Our Goal

  • Improve disabled people’s autonomy through the creation of a pilot to overcome those 2 problems:
    • Assessing Zaragoza in terms of accessibility
    • Providing routing calculations for disabled people in order to improve their autonomy
  • Test a protocol/methodology
Foto: Igor Rodrigues

Some figures about disabilities in Spain <span class=‘fragment '

from 2008!!!

Source: INE. (2009). Encuesta de Discapacidad, Autonomía personal y situaciones de Dependencia. 2008. Recuperado a partir de https://www.ine.es/revistas/cifraine/1009.pdf

Accessibility maps do not exist*!

(Nor the number of people with disabilities in Spain)

Why is so?

  • Because it is expensive to gather data (and keep it updated)
  • Because it is complex
  • Because there is no clear business model behind
  • Because they do not respond to a pattern of "normality"
  • ...

…and yet…

It would be extremely useful if data like that existed!

  • They would considerably improve many people’s autonomy.
  • They would show problems of current cities.
    • They would be able to change public policies and city models.

We can all make maps!

VGI: Crowdsorcing applyed to maps

From web 2.0 to VGI:

  • Collaborative apps
  • Cheaper technology
    • Global Positioning Technologies (GPS, Galileo…)
  • Free Licenses
  • OpenData


AKA “The wikipedia of the maps”

  • Collaborative approach (data gathering and storage)
  • Data Sharing (legally + technically): social return

OSM is the biggest and most precise spatial free database of the world

Esto es lo que se ve en https://openstreetmap.org

Although, in fact…

There are plenty of maps

¡Incluso hay más mapas fuera de https://openstreetmap.org !

Collaborative spatial database

Worldwide community

  • ~5.4 millions of registered users
    • (~ 100 editing daily in Spain)
  • ~ 4.500 milion nodes
    • (20.000 - 30.000 created every day in Spain)
  • Data under Open Database License (ODbL)

Source: osmstats.neis-one.org

Applications and services

Accessible Zaragoza

Part 2

Type of data

What kind of data do we gather?

Data gathering methods

How is data gathered?

Mapping parties

  • 6 Mapping parties (last one, this very morning)
  • Volunteers doing field work in a coordinated way

Service Learning Activities

  • Compulsory for Urban Studies' students from Architecture Degree at Universidad San Jorge
    • Aimed to future urban planners
    • Compulsory paper
  • Content:
    • Social implications of urban design
    • Digital Tools (GIS, consultas a BBDD…)
Conchita Galve, from Discapacitados Sin Fronteras, sharing her experience on moving in a wheelchair in Zaragoza.

Fieldwork made by USJ’s researchers

Thanks to César Canalís (2016-17), Lourdes Pérez (2016-17) and Javier Claver (2018-2019)!

USJ's students taking notes on kerbs and tactile paving. Photo: Héctor Ochoa

Data gathering tools

Tabla de toma de datos
Streetcomplete (App para Android)

Mapillary (collaborative streetview images)

Publishing data

We upload data gathered to OSM

Sesión de Mapeado Colaborativo para la subida de datos a OSM.


Rise awareness

Laura Moya (mundo Crip) y su perra guía, Geniva, explicando cómo las personas ciegas se mueven y orientan en la ciudad.
Mapping party en Arrabal, organizada por Mapeado Colaborativo y Ganchillo Social: un grupo como este llama la atención y siempre hay algún peatón que nos pregunta cosas o se interesa por el trabajo.


2 online maps: visual and mobility impairment

Media appearance

(unexpected outcome)

Grabación en directo de una Mapping Party. Foto: Carlos Cámara.
Aparición en periódico (Heraldo, 2017)
Aparición en En Ruta con la Ciencia nº 84 (Aragón TV)


  • To you, for your attention
  • To Raons Públiques, for their invitation and coordination
  • To Centre Cultural Albareda del Poble-sec, for hosing us
  • To my colleagues from Mapeado Colaborativo
  • To everyone who has participated in Accessible Zaragoza
    • To Universidad San Jorge
    • To Discapacitados Sin Fronteras, MundoCrip, AAVV, Centros Cívicos, Ganchillo Social…
  • To OpenStreetMap Community

Licencia de Creative Commons
Esta obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.


https://mapcolabora.org | @mapcolabora

Licencia de Creative Commons
Esta obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.